Legendary dragon city breeding chart
Legendary dragon city breeding chart

  • The rarer the egg, the longer the breeding and hatching time will be.
  • Eggs of already acquired dragons are shown in color.
  • In the upper part of the screen possible egg results are shown.
  • Each parent needs to be at least level 4 to be able to breed.
  • It costs 1000, but after reaching level 8 its price is 800 for the duration of the special offer. Both buildings work exactly the same, but having the two allows for two breeding sessions to happen simultaneously. Every player has a first Breed Site on their island from the start of the game, and a Dragon Tree can be purchased with Gems after reaching level 8. These were called Ancient, Jade, Sand, and Magic.Breeding requires a special building to happen.
  • 4 elements were announced during the beginning of the recode but might since have been cancelled.
  • It was also mentioned that some elements may provide dragons with special abilities, such as advanced healing.

    legendary dragon city breeding chart

    On Discord, it was announced that elements will affect stats, however stats have currently been removed from the game.This means that their element can only be seen through their fire - if they have a certain pupil type, it can only be defined through their profile. Some dragons, such as the Paukiki, Skelltor and Radidon, don't have visual eyes.Commonly the tertiary color (the baby dragon's sclera) is mistaken to be a Legendary pupil if the hatched baby has a neon tertiary material. If a baby dragon has legendary pupil, the eye itself will be neon.Both Legendary pupil and color will be a color corresponding to the dragon's element, some elements may shift colors. The Legendary Color Potion will change a dragon's chosen color slot to Legendary.

    legendary dragon city breeding chart

  • The Legendary Pupil Potion will result in the dragon's pupil becoming Legendary with a 100% chance.
  • The Basic Elemental Potion will only result in Fire, Water or Grass. Limited elements and the dream element cannot be obtained via the Elemental Potion. The result can be any in-game breedable element.
  • The Elemental Potion is a potion that randomizes the dragon's element.

  • Legendary dragon city breeding chart