Some of my gmail is going to archive mac mail
Some of my gmail is going to archive mac mail

some of my gmail is going to archive mac mail

Thank goodness, just forgetful, not too focused af.Finding the best way to archive mails in mac safely can be a long process that starts from research to making the final decision about a mac email archive software.When In Doubt, Fall Back to Bases.(sic).The first test will be a solo game on Friday! Something close to double would be nice but half again as much will do and what I've got now will be enough for some test games. I have some local volunteers ready to play some more test games when I'm ready, and the armies are growing rapidly. That in turned called for different rules and after a year of puttering about, I settled on re-writing " A Whiff of Dice" ( click to see the set to be tested) as a variant of my old "Hearts of Tin" rules which were meant for this sort of things and have worked before.Ī Demi-Brigade with skirmishers deployed and support from artillery and cavalry. These being grouped into battalions and squadrons with allowances for detached companies in certain situations. So, the armies are back on bases with "companies" as the lowest unit. There were a couple of options but it was nearly inevitable that I decided to fall back on my personal preferences. Nothing like semiflats for getting extra cavalry on a base! My standard basing, all on 6cm wide bases. I needed to speed up play and simplify things. I'm going to be sole GM and the test games along with past convention experiences, have convinced me that what I'm planning is not going to work within 4 hours, with 1 GM and 6 gamers, unfamiliar with the rules and each having individual victory conditions and 30-40 individual figures to move on a 5'x8' table with only 1 active at a time, and a 4 hour window. This sort of game isn't really "my thing" but that's where my 40mm French Revolution collection began, that's where "MacDuff to the Frontier" started, and that would allow Rob's 40mm Scarlet Pimpernel skirmish game collection and mine to collaborate to pull it off. When I started planning my games for Huzzah, I was thinking of a semi-skirmish game with two "GameMasters" and individual player goals as well as team goals.

Some of my gmail is going to archive mac mail